Send Letters over the Fence by Turning You into a Pen Pal Inmate

While people behind bars might have lost their freedom, they still have the right to feel that someone cares about them – even a complete stranger. We think that we face big issues in life living in the outside world, but few of them seem insurmountable when compared to daily life in prison. Thus, the basics to start becoming pen pal inmate is to first start with hope, peace, comfort, promise etc. You can also put the likes and dislikes, hobbies in the letter as well.
In this age of instant, 24/7 communication – either online or via mobile phone – finding a pen pal, who you write long letters to, might seem a bit quaint or even eccentric. Yet thousands of people across the world have chosen to take the pen pal inmate service for prisoners serving time behind bars. 

pen pal inmates
pen pal inmates

Suggestions for being a Good Pen Pal Inmate

·         Be positive

·         Don’t ask the person a lot of questions, particularly about his/her crime, sentence etc. Let him/her tell about himself/herself when he/she is ready
·         You can talk about yourself in any way you wish

·         As your friendship develops, let your pen pal inmate know you care about him/her
·         You might want to start your first letter by introducing yourself and telling the person something about who you are, where you live, what your interests are etc.
·         Since you will be given some information about your pen pal inmate with his/her address, you might also tell her why you chose him/her to write to.
·         Write like you would to any other new friend outside
·         Be honest. If something makes you uncomfortable about this relationship, say so immediately

·         The women are very deprived of beauty and appreciate stationary and cards that are pretty like flowers, scenery, post cards of a place. They like to hang them on the wall. Many of them also love poetry.

·         Use the entire address that you have been given. You cannot put stickers or labels on the envelope. Write your return address in the corner of the envelop
·         Remember, this is supposed to be a fun and enjoyable experience for both of you. It is up to you to help make it that way

How the Pen Pal Inmate Service Helps Prisoners Feel Connected?

In prison, the inmate is stripped of their freedoms and most of their dignity. They become institutionalized. Some of these people will be in prison the rest of their lives and some are sitting on death row, awaiting execution. Pen pal inmate service gives an opportunity to make a difference to them. Becoming a prison pen pal for inmates can be a small light in a very dark world for them.
Thus, the goal of becoming a pen pal inmate is to promote exchange of friendly letters and not to provide financial assistance or romantic involvement. Pen pal inmate service help prisoners stay aware of the world outside of prison, particularly the area where they resided. 

What Are the Helps a Pen Pal Inmate Service Provides?

·         Through your letters, pen pal inmates behind bars find compassion, caring and understanding
·         Pen pal inmate service help improve the offender’s self-esteem
·         Remember that your prison pen pal may be very vulnerable and life may seem relatively hopeless.
·         A primary thought your pen pal inmate may have is about being free and how to attain freedom.
Life in prison is a complex system that those of us on the outside have no way of understanding. Give them a new hope to live and do more good than bad and turn their life from hell to heaven. Opt for the best pen pal inmate service at Inmate-Connection and start building a brand new friendly relationship.


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